Saturday, December 18, 2010

First Post

An artist's greatest fear is living in a cardboard box in some dark alleyway and getting stabbed to death by Patrick Bateman. Or at least, that's my greatest fear. To make sure that never happens, I've decided to take an active hand in getting my artwork out there in any way possible. This includes selling my soul to the interwebs.

The internet is a scary place. It is to me what Mirkwood was to Biblo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield and his company of dwarves. How frightened they must have been, traversing that dark abyss... I already have a Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn, and (as of last week) a Tumblr. And now this. Every new online persona is a new mask I must don, each avatar a new child I must care for. How deep can I go before I lose myself in the sea of fake me's? Only time will tell.

As of now, however, my primary concern is getting my work noticed. This blog is not meant to be a formal portfolio (I have yet another website for that). It's not a documentation of my finished works, but more of a documentation of what goes on "behind the canvas" if you will: ideas, artwork, and everything in between (sketches, videos etc.) Unlike my Tumblr which is more of an archive of stuff that inspires, this blog will be exclusively original content.

So here goes... first post... deeper into the abyss...

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